Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Our New President

As everyone knows, this is a historic day. Barack Obama, our first president of African-American ancestry has been sworn in. It is no secret to friends and family that I did not support nor vote for Mr. Obama. I do not believe he is the right man for the job nor do I think he is ready or experienced enough. But none of that matters now. He has the job, ready or not! And unlike many opponents to George W. Bush, I will not say, "He's not MY president." He is my president, duly elected and I sincerely wish him all the best... for the sake of my children and grandchildren and for the sake of all Americans. He is coming into this position in a troubled time and he will need support to help meet the challenges. So I will support him in the areas where I agree and oppose him in those where I don't. How marvelous to live in this fine and free country and to presence the peaceful transfer of power. Godspeed to you sir. -David Bertoglio


Tina said...

Well put, DB. I heard this phrase yesterday and have decided it fits how I feel perfectly- "cautiously optimistic".
I definitely don't agree with his view on all issues. But what I do admire is his ability to excite and inspire people. I hope that lasts.
Hey, at least he opposes gay marriage. (A fact I think that most of the gay community is in denial about.) At least we have that in common, right?

Carlie said...

peace and prosperity for Obama the Good!