Tuesday, September 11, 2007

September 11th remembrance

The following is a poem I wrote one year after the September 11, 2001 attacks.


She crossed the wide Manhattan street
Like every other day
Into the tower's lobby
For another eight hour stay
The elevator opened, she pushed button 7-5
Never dreaming that this day
Would be the last she'd see alive

She heard the roar, she raised her head
And saw the plane right there
She opened up her mouth to scream
But could draw in no air
Her thoughts were filled with family;
Sweet memories gone by
The impact came, but she was surprised
That it did not hurt to die
(c) 2002 - David L. Bertoglio

My intent was in some impossible way to imagine the horror felt by these innocent folks and hoping that death came so fast for at least some that they may not have had time to suffer. Rest in peace.

1 comment:

Tina said...

Yesterday was solemn for me too as I remembered that day. Thanks for sharing, Dad.